Why Reinvent the Wheel?
So, if there are already good scripts using VBscript that send email, why would I try to reinvent the wheel by doing the same thing a different way? Powershell can do much more than just send email. The script below doesn't just send email. This script does the following
- Attaches the error log files and the .cfg file
- Reads the most recent error file and puts the contents of the file directly into the body of the email
- Shows some basic server environment variables
- Most recent lines of the TM1server.log file
- Creates hyperlinks to the log folder, cfg folder and data folder
I encourage everyone to start with something like this, but extend it, to build the most meaningful email feedback tool for TM1 we can. Please comment here or tweet updates to @bobgillvan.
Steps to Setup TM1 Email Using Powershell
1) Turn on Powershell
Start..All Programs...Accessories..Windows Powershell...Windows Powershell (ISE)
set-executionpolicy Unrestricted
F5 (This just runs the code in the code window)
2) Customize and Test the Script
Here is the script. Just save this to a .ps1 file and then you can run it with powershell. I recommend calling this email.ps1 and then you can run Powershell ./email.ps1. You'll also need to enter your SMTP server information and any secure port references.
function sendMail{
"Sending Email"
$pathLog =
$pathCfg =
$pathTemp =
#Wait to make sure
all files from the TI process are written to disk. Sometimes there is a delay
$filesWritten =
do {
$filesWritten =
test-path C:\TM1Logs\tempemailfile*
$i = $i+1
while ((-not
$filesWritten) -and ($i -lt 10000))
$fileToEmail =
Get-Content C:\temp\TempEmailFileToEmail.txt
$fileToName = Get-Content
$fileFromEmail =
Get-Content C:\temp\TempEmailFileFromEmail.txt
$fileFromName =
Get-Content C:\temp\TempEmailFileFromName.txt
$fileToEmail =
Get-Content C:\temp\TempEmailFileToEmail.txt
$fileToName =
Get-Content C:\temp\TempEmailFileToName.txt
$fileSubject =
Get-Content C:\temp\TempEmailFileSubject.txt
$fileBody =
Get-Content C:\temp\TempEmailFileBody.txt
$fileLinkApplicationLogin = Get-Content C:\temp\TempEmailFileLinkApplicationLogin.txt
$fileLinkDataFolder =
Get-Content C:\temp\TempEmailFileLinkDataFolder.txt
= Get-Content C:\temp\TempEmailFileLinkErrorFiles.txt
# Remove doublequotes
$fileToEmail =
$fileToName =
$fileFromEmail =
$fileFromName =
$fileToEmail =
$fileToName =
$fileSubject =
$fileBody =
$fileLinkApplicationLogin =
$fileLinkDataFolder =
= $fileLinkErrorFolder.Replace("""","")
# $fileToEmail
# $fileToName
# $fileFromEmail
# $fileFromName
# $fileToEmail
# $fileToName
# $fileSubject
# $fileBody
# $fileLinkApplicationLogin
# $fileLinkDataFolder
# $fileLinkErrorFolder
#SMTP server name
$smtpServer =
#Creating a Mail
$msg = new-object
#Creating SMTP server
$smtp = new-object
# $smtp = new-object
$smtp.EnableSsl =
$smtp.Credentials =
New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("gmailuser@gmail.com",
# $smtp.Credentials =
New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("username",
#Email structure
$msg.From =
$msg.ReplyTo =
$msg.subject =
#Find most recent
error file
# Get-ChildItem
$pathLog | where {$_.Name -like "TM1ProcessError*.log"} | sort
LastWriteTime | select -last 1 | Write-Host
$fileLastErrorText =
Get-ChildItem $pathLog | where {$_.Name -like "TM1ProcessError*.log"}
| sort LastWriteTime | select -last 1 | Get-Content
#Attach Error Files
$pathLog| % { if ($_.Name -like "TM1ProcessError*.log") {$msg.Attachments.Add($_.FullName)}
# Get-ChildItem
$pathLog| % { if ($_.Name -like "TM1ProcessError*.log") {Write-Host
$_.FullName} }
#Attach TM1Server Log
$pathLog | % { if ($_.Name -like "TM1server.log")
{$msg.Attachments.Add($_.FullName)} }
# Get-ChildItem
$pathLog | % { if ($_.Name -like "TM1server.log" -and $_Size -lt 1)
{Write-Host $_.FullName} }
#Attach tm1s.cfg
$pathCfg | % { if ($_.Name -like "TM1s.cfg")
{$msg.Attachments.Add($_.FullName)} }
#Show system links
$msg.body = $fileBody
+ "`n`n" + "System links:`n`tLogin`t`t" +
$fileLinkApplicationLogin + "`n"
$msg.body = $msg.body
+ "`tError Folder`t" + $fileLinkErrorFolder + "`n"
$msg.body = $msg.body
+ "`tData Folder`t" + $fileLinkDataFolder + "`n"
#Show details of
last error
($fileLastErrorText -ne "") {
$msg.body =
$msg.body + "`n`n" + "Contents of most recent error
file:`n" + $fileLastErrorText
#Show the most recent
lines of the tm1server.log file
= Get-Content ($pathLog + "\tm1server.log")
foreach( $x in
$fileTM1ServerLogFile.length..1) {
$y += 1
if ($y -lt 20){
$fileTM1ServerLog += "`t" + $fileTM1ServerLogFile[$x] +
$msg.body = $msg.body
+ "`n`n" + "Most recent lines of the TM1Server.log file:" +
#Capture Server
$msg.body = $msg.body
+ "`n`nServer Information:`n"
$msg.body = $msg.body
+ "`tServer Name:`t`t`t" + $env:COMPUTERNAME + "`n"
$msg.body = $msg.body
+ "`tDNS:`t`t`t`t" + [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostName() + "`n"
$systemMemoryFree = "{0:N0}" -f
(get-counter -counter "\Memory\Available
$msg.body = $msg.body
+ "`tFree Memory:`t`t`t" + $systemMemoryFree + " MB`n"
# $msg.body
#Save a text file
with the body for debugging
# $msg.body | out-file
#Sending email
#Clear temp files
c:\temp\TempEmailFile* -recurse
#Calling function
3) Call it from a TI
This part isn't very exciting. This script accepts command line variables, so all we need to do is generate a command line string and then send it to ExecuteCommand(). Here is code for the prologue tab that gives you a structure to work with.
vsLinkErrorFiles = '\\server\e$\tm1logs\cxmd';
vsLinkDataFolder = '\\server\F$\tm1data';
vsLinkApplicationLogin = 'http://server/tm1web/ TM1WebLogin.aspx';
# Get the To for this environment, if necessary
If (psTo @='');
psTo = 'user@somewhere.org';
# Get the CC for this environment, if necessary
If (psCC @='');
psCC = 'user@somewhere.org';
# Get the From for this environment, if necessary
If (psFrom @='');
psFrom = 'admin@somewhere.org';
# Write the contents of the email to a file for use by the script
vsTempFile = 'f:\Temp\TempEmailFile';
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'Subject.txt', psSubject);
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'ToEmail.txt', psTo);
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'ToName.txt', 'Users');
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'FromEmail.txt', psFrom);
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'FromName.txt', 'TM1 Administrator');
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'Body.txt', psBody);
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'LinkErrorFiles.txt', vsLinkErrorFiles);
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'LinkDataFolder.txt', vsLinkDataFolder);
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'LinkApplicationLogin.txt', vsLinkApplicationLogin);
vCommand = 'powershell.exe f:\tm1data\cxmd\email.ps1 ';
ASCIIOUTPUT ('f:\temp\email_asciiOutput. txt', 'Send Email is running command ' | vCommand);
ExecuteCommand( vCommand,0);
vsLinkDataFolder = '\\server\F$\tm1data';
vsLinkApplicationLogin = 'http://server/tm1web/
# Get the To for this environment, if necessary
If (psTo @='');
psTo = 'user@somewhere.org';
# Get the CC for this environment, if necessary
If (psCC @='');
psCC = 'user@somewhere.org';
# Get the From for this environment, if necessary
If (psFrom @='');
psFrom = 'admin@somewhere.org';
# Write the contents of the email to a file for use by the script
vsTempFile = 'f:\Temp\TempEmailFile';
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'Subject.txt', psSubject);
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'ToEmail.txt', psTo);
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'ToName.txt', 'Users');
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'FromEmail.txt', psFrom);
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'FromName.txt', 'TM1 Administrator');
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'Body.txt', psBody);
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'LinkErrorFiles.txt', vsLinkErrorFiles);
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'LinkDataFolder.txt', vsLinkDataFolder);
ASCIIOUTPUT(vsTempFile | 'LinkApplicationLogin.txt', vsLinkApplicationLogin);
vCommand = 'powershell.exe f:\tm1data\cxmd\email.ps1 ';
ASCIIOUTPUT ('f:\temp\email_asciiOutput.
ExecuteCommand( vCommand,0);
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